Wednesday, March 26, 2014

5 Reasons Target is Better Than Walmart

First of all I would like to start off by saying that I shamefully shop at Walmart. I know that they are a controversial company on so many levels. I try not to go there but sometimes it comes down to a necessary evil. I've learned the best times and ways to tackle a trip to Walmart but I can honestly say 9 out of 10 times I would prefer going to Target. Here are my top five reasons.

1. Cleanliness
Target is usually much cleaner than Walmart. When you walk into a target store, it's usually pretty well kept. The floors are clean and even the bathrooms are usually in better shape. Sometimes when you go into Walmart, you will notice the floor is dirty and at times there is an odor in the place. The shopping carts are cleaner too. It's also prettier. The design and overall look of the store is more aesthetically pleasing. 

2. Space
The layout and space in Target is much less crammed than Walmart stores. The merchandise sections are usually spread out nicely enough for you to maneuver your shopping cart through different sections of the store without playing bumper cars with other shoppers. The aisles leading up to each section are also much more spacious. 

3. Service
So many times I've waiting in long lines at Walmart for all the wrong reasons. I've actually lost count of the amount of times I've waited in a very long line because there was a shortage of open cashiers on the floor. Seriously. I've been in a Walmart where 2 out of 30 registers were open, and the 2 that were open had ridiculously long lines. This rarely happens at Target. Target usually has plenty of registers open and friendly cashiers focused on getting you through the line. Whenever I get into a long line at Target,  a manager usually notices a line is building up and opens more registers to accommodate the crowds. 

4. Better Quality Products
You could argue that the prices are slightly higher but you get what you pay for. The merchandise is generally better quality. 

5. Market Pantry
I love Market Pantry products. I like some of the Walmart's Great Value products but the Target brand food pantry items are better. I actually wrote a blog about my favorite Market Pantry items here.

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