Saturday, February 22, 2014

5 Ways to Survive a Trip to Walmart

Top 5 ways to survive a trip to Walmart:

Let's face it. Going to Walmart isn't always fun. Sometimes you buy too much stuff. Other times you are battling it out with long lines and crowded aisles. I occasionally avoid it because I just don't want to deal with the crowds. Here are some tips to making your trip to the big W less painless. 

1 - 24 hour store = win. Go early or go in the middle of the night. Barely anyone is there and you can navigate your cart without hitting children, older folks or people moving slowly because they are preoccupied on their phone.

2 - Park far away. Don't fight for that close parking spot. Do you really need to park so close? Couldn't you benefit from a good brisk walk through the parking lot? It will make life so much easier on you. You won't have to fight for a parking spot and you won't have to worry about some idiots runaway cart hitting or scratching up your car. 

3 - Go alone. If you go with a friend or spouse, chances are you spend more time there and you will ultimately buy more stuff that you don't need. You know what you need. You can get in and get the job done and get out if you are by yourself. 

4 - For 20 items or less, the "Express Lane" isn't always be sure to look at the other aisles before you go to the express lane. Keep in mind that sometimes people go in the express lane with more than 20 items and this can make your wait longer.

5 - If you aren't getting a lot of things, you can go to the other counters and check out. If you are buying a case of coke and hand-soap along with some headphones, you can go to the electronics or jewelry counter. You can also check out at the pharmacy if you are picking up prescriptions. 

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